Process Module


Type Description


Specifies the level of agents support


Represents processing device


Represents the available image transformations

Functions and values

Function or value Description

processImages inputPath outputPath processingUnit imageEditorsList agentsSupport

Full Usage: processImages inputPath outputPath processingUnit imageEditorsList agentsSupport

    inputPath : string - The path where the input images are located
    outputPath : string - The path where the processed images will be saved
    processingUnit : ProcessingUnits - The GPU platform to be used for processing
    imageEditorsList : Transformations list - A list of functions to be applied to the images
    agentsSupport : AgentsSupport - Specifies the level of agent support

Processes images located at the specified input path and saves the processed images to the specified output path

inputPath : string

The path where the input images are located

outputPath : string

The path where the processed images will be saved

processingUnit : ProcessingUnits

The GPU platform to be used for processing

imageEditorsList : Transformations list

A list of functions to be applied to the images

agentsSupport : AgentsSupport

Specifies the level of agent support

transformationsParserCPU transformation

Full Usage: transformationsParserCPU transformation

Returns: MyImage -> MyImage A CPU-based transformation function corresponding to the specified transformation type

Parses an image transformation and returns the corresponding CPU-based transformation function

transformation : Transformations

The transformation type to apply

Returns: MyImage -> MyImage

A CPU-based transformation function corresponding to the specified transformation type

transformationsParserGPU clContext localWorkSize

Full Usage: transformationsParserGPU clContext localWorkSize

    clContext : ClContext - The OpenCL context for GPU processing
    localWorkSize : int - The local work size for GPU computation

Returns: Transformations -> MyImage -> MyImage A function that takes a transformation type and returns the corresponding GPU kernel function for applying the specified transformation

Generates GPU kernel functions for applying various image transformations

clContext : ClContext

The OpenCL context for GPU processing

localWorkSize : int

The local work size for GPU computation

Returns: Transformations -> MyImage -> MyImage

A function that takes a transformation type and returns the corresponding GPU kernel function for applying the specified transformation