Function or value | Description |
Full Usage:
findAvailablePlaceForObject cellGrid (selectedObjectRow, selectedObjectInstance) randomIntGeneratorWithSeed
The CellGrid representing the available cells for object placement
selectedObjectRow : DataTableRow<'Value>
The DataTableRow representing the selected object
selectedObjectInstance : ObjectVariant<'Value>
The ObjectVariant representing the selected instance of the object
randomIntGeneratorWithSeed : int -> int -> int
The random integer generator with seed
Returns: (int * int) option
Option type representing either the coordinates of the available cell or None if no suitable cell is found.
Full Usage:
generateInterior cellGrid dataTable maximumAmountOfObjects placementFunction randomIntGeneratorWithSeed
The CellGrid representing the available cells for object placement
dataTable : DataTable<'Value>
The DataTable containing objects and their variants
maximumAmountOfObjects : int
The maximum number of objects to be placed
placementFunction : DataTableRow<'Value> -> ObjectVariant<'Value> -> int -> int -> unit
The function responsible for placing objects on the grid
randomIntGeneratorWithSeed : int -> int -> int
The random integer generator with seed
Full Usage:
selectObjectToPlace dataTable randomIntGeneratorWithSeed
The DataTable containing objects and their variants
randomIntGeneratorWithSeed : int -> int -> int
The random integer generator with seed
Returns: DataTableRow<'Value> * ObjectVariant<'Value> * int * int
Tuple containing the selected object, its instance, the index in the DataTable,
and the index of the selected variant.